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« Week of September 5, 2010 »
Start: 05/09/2010 20:30
End: 05/09/2010 21:30
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Sunday 05/09/2010 – 8:30 Comment Team
Blood M M Maybe now have a family birthday dinner -
Deadite Y E S -
Limpet yes yes lets -
Mattatuide Y Y Y -
Robag no no my ping is f#$ked -
Spudinator Yes Yes lets drill em a new one ;<)# -
Start: 07/09/2010 20:30
End: 07/09/2010 22:30
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) 13/7/10 – Tuesday 8:30PM Comment Team
Blood Y Y Provided the earthquake dosnt come back Shake it 4 me Bl00d:p
Deadite y y balls Playing
Kippa - - - -
Limpet y y should be there -
Mattatuide y y - Playing
Microman y y Study Leave :) Wednesday Off Playing
n0mad - - - -
Robag Yes Sub Subway eat fresh -
Milzy - - - -
Spudinator Yes Yes just doit Playing
Start: 09/09/2010 19:00
End: 09/09/2010 22:00
Team IPX Availability (Yes/No) Thursday 09/09/2010 – 19:00 Comment Team
Blood Y Y Yes Limpy lets Y
Deadite - - You have no Choice the SMELLY bl00d has spoken Y
Limpet y y lets Y
Mattatuide n n sorry guys -
Robag Yes Yes hope my ping is ok S
Spudinator y y lets get it on Y
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